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J. Cole Manages to Get Second Platinum Album Without any Features

J. Cole Manages to Get Second Platinum Album Without any Features

J. Cole is the single rapper in the music industry that’s able to release two albums without any features and to have them both go platinum. Usually, singers collaborate with each other in order to bring their fan bases together and ensure a track’s success. Well, it looks like J. Cole wants to do it all on his own. Even better, J. Cole is having huge success.

The rapper’s latest “4 Your Eyez Only” is the album that managed to platinum. The album was released in December of last year and it’s considered as being one of the most powerful rap albums ever made. “Forest Hills Drive” is the first J. Cole album that reached one million sold units and it was launched back in 2014. Nonetheless, we can expect that J. Cole won’t change his style and that his success is going to flourish even more. 

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