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Check Out Who Really Deserved The Grammy Nomination

Check Out Who Really Deserved The Grammy Nomination

News broke out that Frank Ocean’s Blonde wouldn’t be nominated at the 2017 Grammy’s and Ocean said that he was completely ok with that. Somehow many people were shocked by this, including Kanye West.

It makes sense to be surprised, as Sturgill Simpson said Ocean should rather have his spot on the list for Album of the Year. Sturgill came out with A Sailor’s Guide to Earth which has been critically acclaimed by all country lovers. He said he’d rather have Ocean’s name instead of his but he is in no position to call that. He thought of Ocean’s album as being groundbreaking along with other albums such as Beyonce’s Lemonade and Adele’s 25.

He went and poured his heart out not expecting anything like this but at the same time being grateful to be even mentioned among all those other artists.



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