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Chance the Rapper Amazes Once Again by Bringing a Sign Language Performer On the Stage

Chance the Rapper Amazes Once Again by Bringing a Sign Language Performer On the Stage

I believe it's safe to say that Chance the Rapper has made it pretty clear that he thinks differently than anyone else. First off he managed to become one of the most popular rappers in the world and won a Grammys award without putting out one single hard copy of his songs. This has never happened before and it puts Chance the Rapper in a special category.

However, the reason we are talking about Chance the Rapper today is because he recently introduced a new way of performing. Chance knows too well that not everyone is blessed with the ability to hear and that's why he brought along a sign language interpreter with him during his latest performance. It's great seeing that Chance cares about all of his fans and keeps on improving his performances.

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