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Britney Spears Confirms that She Doesn't Lip Sing During Her Performances

Britney Spears Confirms that She Doesn't Lip Sing During Her Performances

Britney Spears has went through some rough times these past few years but fortunately, she managed to get her life back on track. On the downside though, Britney Spears is still not able to get rid of the stigma of always lip singing her songs, even though this might not be true.

It seems like Britney Spears has finally had enough of constantly being asked if she sings live at her concerts. The reason why I am saying this is because she recently went on an interview and she was questioned about her live performances. Britney answered with the following statement “A lot of people think that I don’t sing live” and the followed it up with “Because I’m dancing so much”. From the looks of it, Britney is not lip singing and her concerts are live.

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