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Alessia Cara Speaks Out Against Grammy Haters

Alessia Cara Speaks Out Against Grammy Haters

The Grammys are amazing and all the world’s most popular musicians are nominated for prizes. However, there is a big problem with the Grammys. The way prizes and nominations are given out is by popular choice. Therefore, the entire show becomes a popularity contest and not everyone who wins actually deserves this.

Although, this is not the case for Alessia Cara who definitely deserved to win the Best New Artist award. Sadly, she suffered a lot of backlash from the public who didn’t agree with this decision. Alessia Cara didn’t want to keep things like this and she decided to speak out on twitter by saying the following:

"I didn’t log onto and submit myself. That’s not how it works. I didn’t ask to be submitted either because there are other artists that deserve the acknowledgment. But I was nominated and won and I am not going to be upset about something I’ve wanted since I was kid, not to mention have worked really hard for."

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