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CREDO Mobile

CREDO Mobile is a mobile virtual network operator, a division of Working Assets corporation. There is little surprise in a fact that operator from San Francisco is heavily politicized, but with CREDO mobile it is a known fact. Its founder Peter Barnes and Laura Scher view their business as a tool of what they call “progressive work”, with all clients who subscribe to their plans making voluntary donations to controversial groups like Planned Parenthood. It is very difficult to find actual technical information from this company’s official sources, with most of provided information related to their political activism, but it is apparent that they were utilizing Sprint’s network from 2000 to 2016, when they opted to become Verizon affiliated MVNO. CREDO Mobile’s customer base is not growing as fast as it could because of owner’s desire to put ideology over profits. Still, various donor classes love them and somewhat make up for this though donations, awards and grants.